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Becoming a More Inclusive Business Leader

Inclusive leadership plays a vital role in harnessing and motivating the power of a diverse team, bringing together individuals with a wide range of viewpoints, ideas and perspectives. To these ends, business leaders must be able to demonstrate and enact inclusive behaviors in the workplace so that everyone feels welcome, respected and able to contribute to the best of their abilities. Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Concentration in Leadership program prepares students to become successful leaders and catalysts for increasingly inclusive workplace cultures.

What Does Inclusive Leadership Encompass?

Inclusive leadership embodies qualities that actively combat discrimination, bias and favoritism rooted in characteristics like gender and race. It fosters an environment that values employees and customers for their individuality and contributions.

Inclusive leaders actively support diverse talent and collaboration, motivating and guiding teams toward individual and collective success. They skillfully harness their teams’ different ideas, experiences, thoughts and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and increased appeal to diverse customer markets. Businesses that embrace inclusive leadership are more likely to attract and retain highly qualified talent, cultivate creativity and successfully navigate global markets in today’s interconnected business landscape.

Qualities of an Inclusive Leader

Inclusive managers and executives combine innate characteristics with business school training and professional experience to offer the following leadership qualities:

  • Leading by example: By demonstrating inclusivity, respect and fairness through their actions and behaviors, leaders inspire others to follow suit. They set a positive example through their decisions and interactions, creating a culture that actively practices diversity and inclusion, not just discussed. Leading by example establishes authenticity and credibility. It fosters trust in the workforce and encourages employees to embrace more inclusive behaviors and attitudes.
  • Communication skills: Strong communication enables leaders to clearly and respectfully convey ideas, expectations and feedback, fostering understanding and collaboration within their teams.
  • Teamwork and collaboration: These practices create an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued, fostering cooperation, trust and mutual support among team members.
  • Sensitivity to diverse perspectives: Understanding and appreciating diverse cultures, customs and ideas promotes an inclusive and respectful workplace that celebrates and leverages differences. This quality also enables leaders to work effectively with other constituent groups, even in foreign cultures
  • Empathy: This quality refers to actively listening, understanding and considering the experiences and perspectives of others, enabling them to create a supportive work environment.
  • Self-cognizance: This trait enables leaders to recognize the limitations of their own experiences and perceptions to actively identify and challenge their biases. This quality enables inclusive leaders to foster fairness, equity and inclusivity.
  • Value for equality: This attribute enables inclusive leaders to create an environment where all employees are treated with fairness, respect and dignity, regardless of their background or identity
  • Active listening: This skill refers to an attentive focus on others’ perspectives, feelings and needs, which helps to develop an inclusive space for open dialogue and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Curiosity: This quality leads executives and managers to seek to understand different viewpoints, embrace new ideas and continuously learn, fostering innovation and growth.
  • Tuned in to people: This characteristic is necessary to provide constructive feedback that is specific, timely and tailored to both individual and team development.
  • Creativity and mutability: These traits encourage diverse and evolving perspectives, fostering an innovative environment where solutions can emerge from varied experiences and backgrounds. In tandem, these qualities help leaders promote organizational change as the workplace responds to societal changes.

Hallmark Qualities of an Inclusive Workplace Culture

An inclusive workplace culture, fostered by leaders at every level who possess the necessary combination of leadership qualities, presents several key attributes that create continual opportunities for inclusivity:

  • A sense of psychological safety: Employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas and sharing diverse perspectives without fear of judgment or reprisal. They know they are part of a team representative of the larger society, leading to increased innovation and collaboration as individuals are encouraged to bring their unique viewpoints to the table.
  • A strong emphasis on equity and fairness: Inclusive leaders promote equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their background or identity. They ensure that policies and practices are free from bias and everyone has an equal chance to thrive and succeed. This behavior creates a sense of trust and loyalty among employees, knowing that their contributions and achievements will be recognized and rewarded fairly. When conflicts or problems arise, there is a sense of humility in individual employees that allows them to acknowledge and work through mistakes.
  • Open communication and active listening: Leaders at all levels foster an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected. Employees are encouraged to voice their opinions, ask questions and challenge existing norms constructively. This promotes critical thinking and allows for continuous learning and improvement.
  • A high cultural IQ: Once an inclusive culture is established, it gradually becomes second nature for working teams to adapt to new faces and assimilate new perspectives. In fact, employees are curious about what new voices may be able to contribute and increasing diversity is welcomed, as it has contributed to a track record of innovation.

Prepare to Practice Inclusive Leadership

Coursework in Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s 100% online MBA with a Concentration in Leadership program provides skill development for inclusive business leadership. The Leadership Theories and Practices course, in particular, analyzes the theoretically based scholarly discipline of leadership science and its corresponding practices. The leadership theories examined include behavioral and situational approaches; path-goal and leader-member exchange theories; and transformational, authentic, servant, adaptive and inclusive leadership.

In an increasingly diverse and global business environment, learning to become an inclusive leader is as important as developing traditional business acumen. If you would like to prepare for management and executive roles across various industries, this MBA program can provide the academic foundation you need for a successful career.

Learn more about Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s online MBA with a Concentration in Leadership program.

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